Door lock repair, all Latvia

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Stiklu 1A, Daugavpils, LV-5404
In Latgale, metal forgings in Daugavpils, In Latgale, decorative ironwork in Daugavpils, In Latgale, lock , Hydraulic hose manufacturing and repair , service. Hydraulic pipes and their joints., shop

"Kalniņi", Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Tool, trade of electric tools, repair , service, Abraboro, ANZA, Auster, BAHCO, BOSCH, Centroinstrument, sided adhesive tape, double-sided wrench, two-weel grinder, dowel, jack, dpws double strap, dual saw, door

Polteh, LTD, Branch

Aviācijas 1, Jelgava, LV-3002
valves, membranes, bolt, railway turntables, carbines, rubber carpets, transition, bulb, lights, oils, repair , , troughs, belts, funnels, tools, barrels, silicone, litol, mastic, compressors, washing equipment, lock

Polteh, LTD

Zemītes 8, Tukums, Tukuma nov., LV-3104
Agriculture equipment, spare parts, tractor, tractors, trailer, trailers, lawn mowers, mowers, shredders, rakes, round balers, bale wrappers, milling cutters, plows, reversible ploughs, seeding-machine, feed dividers, frontal loaders, cups, pallet forks, straw forks, haylage forks, hay bale grippers, potatoe equipment, planters,

Sparks A, LTD

Krustpils 17 k-1, Rīga, LV-1073
bilateral, two wheel, diesel fuel nozzle tester, jacks, jack, jacks, mandrels, wire, wire brush, dremel, door , assembly claw, door press, cooling, depth gauges, engine holder, for engine repair , einhell, eccentric